California QME CE Courses
Complete your 12hr requirement completely online! Browse all of our expertly written online courses for free.

WorkCompCE offers online continuing education (CE) courses for California Qualified Medical Examiners (QME) doctors including chiropractors, PhDs, acupuncturists, and more. Our online courses can be taken with ease from any computer with internet access. Simply read the online CE course for free, purchase the course securely with your credit card, take the test, and print your QME CE certificate. WorkCompCE’s CE program for QMEs is the best way to fulfill your 12 hour CE requirement each two year period.
“Excellent way to get QME credits online!“
Dr. J.A., California Pscyhologist
“I love this website. Finally, a convenient and modern site to meet our QME CEU needs.“
Ted Tribble, PsyD